What to expect when my plant arrives?

What happens after you receive your new plants?

Congrats on your new purchase! Here we explain within the following steps how to adequately transition and acclimate them safely into your new environment. It is important to follow these steps to prevent any additional shock after being shipped and received. Unless you pick up your plant in person, it has been in transit and in a dark box for at least 24 hours and in abrupt changes in weather conditions.

When your plant arrives, bring it inside as soon as possible. You don't want to leave it outside any longer than necessary. Unwrap your plant carefully. When you open your plant, you may notice some bent leaves or small tears. This is completely normal albeit rare and after a while the bent leaves may straighten out on their own. Another thing you may notice is yellowing leaves. If only the lower leaves turn yellow, this is normal and nothing to worry about; You can simply cut the leaves off or leave them there until they are ready to fall off on their own. You should only worry if all the leaves on your new plant are turning yellow.

On variegated plants, you may notice that some of the variegated sections may show some browning. This is also normal and common, but you can help prevent further damage with the acclimation tips below:

1.     In our nursery, we keep our plants at approximately at 75°F and 75-80% humidity. This will help your plant acclimate faster and if you can assimilate these conditions the transition will be much quicker. Do not immediately place your plant in environments with humidity higher than 75%, such as terrariums. This can cause root rot or stress to the plant.

2.     Do not immediately expose your plant to intense light conditions. After being shipped, this could stress your plant. Instead, start with medium or indirect light and slowly increase it as your plant acclimates to its new environment.

3.     Your new plant may arrive in different substrates, such as sphagnum moss, a mix of moss and perlite, or Pon (a semi-hydro substrate). Your plant's watering needs upon arrival will vary depending on the substrate in which is planted.

4.     If your plant arrives potted in moss or moss/perlite, check to see if it feels dry. If so, water lightly from above. If it feels wet on top, don't water until it feels dry. Once your plant is acclimated to its new home, you can begin watering thoroughly as usual.

5.     Pon is a media that we use to grow plants semi-hydroponically. If you receive your plant in this media, it is not necessary to water normally from above. Take a plastic tray or deep saucer and fill it with some perlite or gravel to about ½”-1” deep. Fill it with water to the top of the perlite or gravel and place your plant in the tray. Your plant will draw water from the tray as needed through a process called capillary action. Simply refill the tray with water when dry.

6.     If you want to transplant into a different substrate, it is best to wait 4 weeks to avoid stress on your plant. After that time, if your plant is acclimated and shows no signs of stress, do not hesitate to transplant it into the substrate of your choice (Our business cards indicate to wait 10 days AT LEAST.

Thank you for your new purchase! Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, we are here to help.


Adenium Care Guide